
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Drowning Soul

The moments flow by as I lay here
with the moon’s caressing glow shining
gently on my restless soul.. beautiful,
unreal, yet here I am, yearning, longing
to embrace this aura, to breathe it.
I want to feel its waves, those calming
snowflakes dancing on my soul..
they glide on my eyes, slowly melting..

A cool breeze brushes past my neck,
whispering in my ears, bringing a mist
of the divine essence before me.
It is the color of my dreams. My deepest
desires before me, transparent for all to see.

The lights continue to dazzle, but I remember..
I remember each time as I draw near
that I am bounded, held back by the ropes
of friendship, of loyalty, ..of fear,
but my heart betrays me and reaches for the light.
My mind struggles, trying to regain
control, pulling me away from the cool surface.
Shuddering, I turn around but stop at the pain.

My heart will not let go of the aura, begging..
begging to be left behind, unwilling to return
to the shadows from where it came. I feel the searing
wound bite into my chest. Resolve faltering, my lungs
fill with that dangerous aura. I’m coughing.. crying..

I didn’t want to feel.. I shouldn’t feel..
but everyone wishes, everyone hopes that
dreams come true. My mind has lost, but
I want you to know that I tried to stay out.

Now I’m drowning, what have I gotten myself into?
Please forgive me, I’m sorry.. I love you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cold Hatred

Deceit, lies, and rumors lay before me
Burning into my soul
Its pain, hot and searing
The lies have taken its toll.

Fog, uncertainty, and doubt surround me
Lacking friendship and trust
It freezes and burns my skin
Burns as doubtfulness must.

This friendship, so important to me
Created a mountain of happiness
Yet cruel ditches spot the mountain
Laying trap for the oblivious.

Love cannot bloom when thorns impede it
Beauty cannot show when blocked by walls
Life itself cannot live like this
Why must I live this way?

Shattered Hopes

There lies shattered my broken heart
Without hope of revival
Its pieces scattered and dead
Begging for removal.

The shards are pieced together
For life will always be rebound
Though one piece still hides
Hoping never to be found.

Love caused this pain
A pain not easily forgotten
The piece must bury itself
If it’s to learn a lesson.

Life is fragile, and must
Never again be deceived
By the cruel nature of love
For no more can it receive.

The Bell of Life

The resounding bell echoes throughout the fields
A ripple of music swimming in the sky
The invisible tones carrying on forever
Its unparalleled strength that never yields
To life’s conflicts or sorrow’s cry.

A web forms from the ancient sound
Its outstretched hand covers the land
With golden light, the rays of hope
Banish the pains the unfortunate found
And lift his spirits free with holy sand.

The bell sings ceaselessly to all who listen
The music of flowing life surrounds us
Affecting each soul deeply with its wisdom
Its gentle speech strives to enlighten
And free every mind from its darkness.

The ethereal voice continues calling
It feels life’s despair ring its searing screams
The sadness, the anguish, the anger
The echo pushes us to continue living
For never is life as dire as it seems.

A Sky of Tears

The pale white moon shines very bright
Against the dim evening sky
Its piercing gaze so watchful
Like a mother dragon’s eye

Her hatchlings lay in the nest
Youthful and defenseless
Their life has only just begun
A life of total pureness

As a mother she soon realized
The flaw of nature’s wheel
The dragons grew quite quickly
And killed to make a meal

How can mother-nature be so cruel
To let such sins go by?
As the night falls her sadness grows
And tear drops fill the sky.

Winds of Sadness

The last rays of sun lay before me
Shimmering around my single shadow
The breeze floats gently inside
Calming those emotions that grow.

An icy shiver runs through me
Coursing deep down inside
As though trying to question
What I have to hide.

The wind whispers itself
Its voice lacking sympathy
Just the constant flow of life
Company to the lonely.

The cool air wraps around
Holding me in its embrace
Without warmth or understanding
Failing to extend nature’s grace.

The breeze flows around my face
Keeping sadness away from those eyes
Like a mother comforting a child
But the wind only lies.

A sadness cries from inside
Flying into the sunset
It flows all around me
Like the winds it has met.

Strange but swelling feelings replace it
This befriending loneliness
This cruel befriending loneliness
Bringing back my sadness.

The sunset, now a darkening red
Shines upon the moist grass
The lingering shadow has disappeared
Leaving emotions there to pass.

The Hourglass

An hourglass teeters on the edge of a table
Holding the constant river of flowing sand
Its youthful mound small yet growing
A mound of life in perfect balance.

A child, the pile of sand
Explores his surroundings from inside
Ignorant of what awaits him
Evading his pure, curious eyes
Sleep child, sleep away the night.

Nurtured with warmth and love
The mound grows steadily larger
His knowledge quite insatiable
Yet time passes quickly
Sleep child, sleep away the night.

A hill rests upon the base
Brimming with vitality
Full of hope for the future
Yet time rolls by
Sleep child, sleep away the night.

A towering mountain now stands erect
Formed by layers of wisdom
Collected like dust over years
Yet time flies on
Sleep child, sleep away the night.

The hourglass, now very strained
Loses balance and topples over
Leaking sand on to the floor
Sleep child, sleep…


Ever had a feeling that tears at your mind
When peace seemed to never exist,
When the radiance of uncertainty
Clouds you in its mist
It is something you want to discuss
Yet fear of misunderstanding
Keeps your tongue at bay
Always waiting… waiting…

Long have you desired to release those words,
To show others your ideas, a growing mound
But knowledge of the consequences
Keeps you forever mute,
Locking away what your imagination found.

For one knows that silence may be best
Plain words may betray a speaker’s thought
Sounding harsh and filled with animosity
Though said with greatest sympathy,
One’s own voice an enemy to be fought.

Ever had a feeling that seizes your warmth
When compassion melts away
And love betrays your mind
Causing your heart to sway?
When self-confidence forsakes you
An idea that you’re not deserving
Keeps your mouth sealed shut
Forever waiting… waiting…